Friday, April 23, 2010

Tamis of the World

Hi Jeremy when did the Vikings arrive i the British Isles and when did the Tamils and other Indians arrive in british isles?The Tamils in UK and Ceylon have clese relatives in tamil nadu India. In fact Parabakaran (deceased) was to marry his cousin in Tamil Nadu. The British did not return all Dutch possessions that the British were looking after from 1792 in Asia during thr Franco-Dutch war. They returned most of the possessions but not Ceylon. Colonel James Stewart with the help of Tamil Regiments took over the Dutch possessions from thr Atadtholder by force in 1796.Tamils and other Indians helped the British to set up the huge British Empire. In most part of the Empire it is the Indians (include Tamils) that colonised the dominions. So the Tamils in Ceylon are not different to tamils in London. Archeology aside there are more than 60 million Tamils just 12 miles from celon in India. There was no India before the British made it. There were Tamil and other groups from India who settled in Celon from time to time. People of Ceylon (Ceylonese) always expelled those who did not integrate. The Indians (Gujaratis, Punjabis, Tamils, Sikhs, ..) had a free ride on the back of the British Raj. In fact the Indians are the colonial parasites of the British Empire. You find them in Ceylon (mainly Tamils), Kenya, Uganda, Malasia (mainly Tamils), KwaZulu Natal and so on except the Falklands. These colonial parasites are different to the people that went with the Romans. Romans took English people Iraq and Iraquis back to England and you cannot recognise them today. There is hardly any difference between 100 million Tamils in India, Ceylon, Malasia, UK and so on.It is time to decolonise Indian colonies, something that the great Indian Lal Bahdur Shastri wanted. To that end he signed and agreement with the Prime Minister of Ceylon, "Sirima Shastri Pact". He wanted to abolish caste system and for his efforts he may have been murdred by the Indian Intelligence Servic
April 23, 2010 6:13 PM BST on